function ShowTicket (PROGAMME, ticketedEvent, buyTicket) {     wixData.query(PROGRAMME)          //<---------------------------COLLECTION     .eq("_id", userId)     .eq(ticketedEvent, true)          //<---------------------------REFERENCEFIELD     .count()     .then ((results1) => { if (results1===1) {$w('#'+buyTicket).show();}      //<---------------VALUE1 else {$w('#'+buyTicket).hide();}                   //<---------------VALUE2 return     }) }
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Open studios event 14th May, 1-5pm 

Rogue Studios, 4 Barrass St, Openshaw, Manchester, M11 2LS

2.30pm - ‘A quiet setting of the feast tables’ by Mike Chavez-Dawson with Jane Chavez-Dawson

3pm - ‘Entering Uncharted Terrain’ Simon Woolham with Gorton Community Voice Choir

3.30pm - The Fall of The Artist Opera a performance by Richard Shields, more info here

Ongoing exhibition

Saturdays 12 - 4pm 

Alongside DRAWING-IN-BREATHING-OUT, Rogue Studios offers two group talks.

DRAWING-IN-BREATHING-OUT explores the realms between the drawn and performed mark and each gesture through a variety of provocations and modes of practice.

The artists in this exhibition utilise a number of active and traced drawing processes throughout their practices, from the animated to the bodily. Expanded drawing practices are captured from moments of everyday life, journeys through specific sites of history and narrative, documenting live psychological states-of-mind, re-living and reflecting on moments of trauma or drawing trapped in its own existence, all with a sense of playfulness and unpredictability.

9th July, 2 - 3pm. Group Talk PART 1:  ‘Surface, textures of history and narrative conditions of drawing’ introduced by Simon Woolham with Rachel Goodyear, Mary Griffiths, Lesley Halliwell and Andrew McDonald.

16th July, 2 - 3pm. Group Talk PART 2: ‘The performative, reverberations and the social conditions of drawing’ introduced by Mike Chavez-Dawson with Louise Adkins, Jack Brown, Richard Shields and Ruby Tingle.

More events at this venue

Rogue Studio




Rogue Studio


Group Exhibition, Artist Talks, Performance, Open Studio, Just Show Up

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